🚀 Tiny Startups #13

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Hey friend — Welcome back to another edition of Tiny Startups.

The #1 newsletter & community for bootstrapped founders building profitable tiny startups and living life on their own terms.

— Jaisal (@ratheejaisal)

New Tiny Startups 🔥

🐰 Roborabbit — AI-powered no-code web scraper.

🚀 Basefront — Embeddable UI generator for Airtable.

👉 Share your startup — Get featured in-front of 13,000+ founders.

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The easiest way to start your online business!

Tired of the 9-5 grind?

Afraid of looking back 10… 20… 30 years from now and thinking…

“What if I’d tried?”

“What if I’d launched my idea into an online business?”

“How much could I have provided for myself and my family by creating a highly profitable business I was proud of?”

Don’t let your entrepreneurial dreams escape!

If you can commit just 5 Days now, we’ll show you how to build and launch your online business

Even if you have zero tech skills

No product to sell

And no idea where to start

Would it be worth 5 days to change the course of your life forever?

Tap learn more to grab onto this opportunity while you still can!

From the community 👋

#1. Aditya just hit $5k MRR 🤑

#2. 😔

#3. Nico is selling his tiny startup! 🔥

#4. Supabox has been acquired! 🥳

#5. Friendly reminder to increase your prices 🫡

#6. Ryan’s looking for his next role and I can 100% vouch for him 🙌

Reach out if you need any help with content, marketing, newsletter, community or support!

See you again next Wednesday!

— Jaisal (@ratheejaisal)

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