🚀 Tiny Startups #16

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Hey friend — It’s Jaisal from Tiny Startups.

P.s. I’ve just pushed a new landing page, let me know what you think? 😬

New Tiny Startups 🔥

🤖 Linkbot — 100% automated internal linking assistant for your website. Get started with a free in-depth internal linking report (promoted).

 LoopCV — Job-search automation platform that helps you get 3x more interviews.

🔥 Quuu — Grow your audience on LinkedIn & X using AI.

👉 Share your startup — Get featured in-front of 14,000+ founders.

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From the community 👋

#1. Insanely Cool Tools has been acquired! 🥳

#2. Dustin just hit $1k in revenue for file.rocks 💸

#3. Today’s Workout is for sale ($20k) 💰

#4. Bhanu just sold feather.so for $250k 🤯

It’s been incredible following his journey and such a well deserved exit. Can’t wait to see what he does next!

#5. Sticker Studio has been acquired 🎉

Sven shares that it was a 6 figure acquisition — a really good price for a 5 year old side-project.

See you again next Wednesday!

— Jaisal (@ratheejaisal)

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