🚀 Tiny Startups #8

Hey friend — It’s Jaisal from Tiny Startups.

The #1 newsletter & community for bootstrapped founders building profitable tiny startups.

On a quick note — I’ll be in Paris all of next week and would love to grab coffee with other founders. Hit me up if you’re around! :)

New Tiny Startups 🔥

🚀 SEO Stuff — Free keyword generator and research tool for SEO.

🤑 Sponsorgap — Finding the right sponsor just got easier.

🤖 Journey+ — Use Midjourney without Discord.

👉 Share your startup — Get featured in-front of 12,000+ founders for free.

Enjoying this newsletter? Show our sponsor some love ❤️

ChatGPT & AI Masterclass: Learn how to research faster, automate tasks & simplify your work & life using AI & ChatGPT for FREE 

From the community 👋

#1. Julien just hit $400k ARR 🎉

#2. Huge congrats to Anthony for selling his Bot Eat Brain newsletter 👏

Anthony was featured in last week’s newsletter for selling a different startup and he’s back at it with another acquisition!

#3. Eric just crossed $12k MRR 🎉

Remember Eric? I shared his previous update back in March when he hit $2k MRR and it’s been incredible to watch his progress.

#4. Watch: How two college dropouts built a $30 Million clothing brand 👕

Here’s a not so tiny success story.

#5. Funny post of the week 😂

Also supported by…

Investing in the next household name

RYSE has just launched in 100+ Best Buy stores, and you're in luck. You can still invest at only $1.50/share before their name becomes known nationwide. They’ve patented the only mass market shade automation device and their exclusive Best Buy deal resembles that which led to other past billion-dollar buyouts like Ring and Nest. Learn more + earn bonus shares →

*Promoted / Not financial advice

Share your startup 🥳

Want to share your tiny startup with 12,000+ founders? List it here for free.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re building a SaaS, marketplace, mobile app, productized service, newsletter or something else — all are welcome!

See you again next Wednesday!

— Jaisal (@ratheejaisal)

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